Mass Effect Assault Rifle Airsoft Gun

Mass Effect Assault Rifle Airsoft Gun


  • #1

These Replica Mass Outcome Weapons Will Reap Your Wallet

You could own a model of Commander Shepard's favorite gun on the Citadel.

In that location's always praise and discussion around Mass Effect'due south storyline and characters, but don't forget that the series has had some really cool-looking guns. Futuristic designs with a firm grounding in practicality have fabricated for some splendid replicas, from fan-made creations to some notable professionally-crafted models. Acclaimed replica manufacturer Triforce is calculation a few more entries to the upper end of that list with three new replica weapons from Mass Outcome 3: the M-6 Carnifex, the 1000-77 Paladin, and the Geth Pulse Rifle.

Each of the guns is a 1:1 scale replica of the in-game model, expertly sculpted, painted, and bandage in polystone. The Carnifex and Paladin pistols mensurate 12.five inches in length and weigh vii pounds, while the Geth Pulse Rifle has a little more heft, stretching 33 inches and weighing in at twenty pounds. All three models characteristic some flashy LED effects. Quality craftsmanship doesn't come inexpensive, though, so you'd better have some spare credits set aside. The pistols will be retailing for $400, aircraft in Q3 2013, and the rifle will prepare you back $750 when it ships in Q1 2014.


These are collectors' items, for sure: none of the models will have more than 500 units produced worldwide. If y'all're one of the lucky/wealthy few, though, you'll exist sure to earn admiration from your sci-fi gaming friends, and probably some foreign looks from everyone else. Pre-orders are open at present on Triforce's website for the Pulse Rifle []. While you lot're in that location, y'all tin bank check out Triforce's previous foray into Mass Effect weaponry, the M-3 Predator pistol and M-eight Avenger set on burglarize. These guys know their pretend guns.


  • #iii

Do they fold upward? That's what I actually want. I don't care if I have to do it manually.

  • #7

Damnit Escapist! At present I'm going to spend the next month fighting with myself most it, and so caving in and preordering the Geth Rifle as shortly as I go my adjacent paycheck.

Why must yous hate my wallet so?!

  • #11

They wait nice, merely I'thou not impressed. I take an idea to make my own M-3 Predator replica with a machinery that will allow it to plummet and expand similar in the game and likewise have a firing sound from the game and LED muzzle flash in the barrel. If someone can do that before I do information technology then I'll be impressed. Otherwise, I'm not interested.


  • #12

Those look cool, but their not my favorite Mass Effect 3 gun, so not too gutted their style out of my toll league.

If they make a locust... and then I'll be upset I tin can't afford one.

Beffudled Sheep_v1legacy

  • #15

I. Desire. Them. All.
I love the guns from Mass effect and my two favorites (pattern wise if not gameplay wise) are the Geth burglarize and the Paladin.
I could afford both if I dip into my savings but I am not willing to do that for anything unless I'd get hungry without it.
*sigh*... Perhaps 1 day, before I dice, someone will merely make some more than for a cheaper cost, or brand a existent one. I'd blow all of my money on a existent one if I was old and about to die. Oh well, guess I'll get look at them in game some more.


  • #xix

The Carniflex Handcannon; when you lot absolutely, positively accept to kill e'er last MF in the room.

Mass Effect Assault Rifle Airsoft Gun

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