One of the most essential pieces of whatsoever airsoft loadout guide is a good set of airsoft goggles; y'all tin practise without a lot of things on the airsoft field and notwithstanding have a swell time, but quality eye protection is non-negotiable.

With that said, protection is not the only gene to take into account when choosing the best airsoft goggles. While whatever gear up of safety glasses or goggles will keep your eyes safe from devious Bbs, it's also vital to consider factors such as comfort, visibility, and anti-fogging capabilities as will in order to exist at your almost competitive. Of course, it'due south also a nice bonus to have goggles that are attractively designed and fit with any mil-sim apparel too. With all of that in mind, we at RedWolf Airsoft have compiled a list of the all-time airsoft goggles on the market today. If you are looking for the best airsoft eye protection that money can buy, any pair of goggles on this list is well worth because.

What to Consider When Purchasing Airsoft Heart Protection

A adept airsoft mask should provide at the very least a basic amount of protection to the wearer's confront. Ideally, they should exist made from high-quality nylon, plastic/polymer, or lightweight metal mesh. These materials when used or even used together combine for some of the more pop and often seen airsoft facemasks. Other than materials, condolement and retention play a big part in how "good" your mask tin be. An instance of this can be sure airsoft full face masks. These have good protection, use robust materials, and are comfy to wear. Non to mention it stays on your head comfortably by using adaptable straps. These are some of the reasons why the full face mask is one of the all-time airsoft masks.


Every bit previously mentioned, some of the materials are of import. The ones to look out for are nylon, plastic/polymer, and metal mesh. The reasons for using these materials are threefold: weight reduction, protection, and ventilation. Though you may see these materials used by themselves on certain products you volition be far more than probable to see a combination of these materials used together. Airsoft half masks are usually mesh and nylon. Full-faced masks tin exist fabricated from plastic or polymer. Some might come with eye protection!

Eye Protection

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As nosotros briefly touched upon earlier, it'southward important that we protect both our confront and our optics and in the previous paragraph, we have established that some facemasks come with middle protection. Probably the most important organ on our face, our optics deserve the best and in such when looking for centre protection we consider a few factors. Firstly, clarity is crucial. In lodge to be aware of potential harm, you lot must be able to meet potential harm. Secondly, materials. We cannot stress enough the importance of high-quality materials when it comes to airsoft goggles. Loftier-bear upon resistant acrylic is usually the best option for this as it is able to blot a loftier amount of force directed at information technology and not shatter. Finally, design. Some heart protection comes standard with an insert that can you clip to the inside of the goggle or spectacles which offers full seal. This means you volition be protected from shattering Bulletin board system, stray droppings, or other strange objects flying into your eyes.


While this can be something of a preference, there are many applied applications to having adjustable straps for your eye protection. Starting with the obvious, having straps assistance to improve secure your heart protection to your head when wearing them, especially when you are using more than glasses style eye protection. This allows for meliorate retention when rapidly moving your caput around and prevents dropping. This only applies to more spectacles-style eye protection equally goggles already feature straps.


Equally nosotros alluded to earlier, there are indeed dissimilar styles of eye protection. While the glasses way of centre protection is more "stylish" if you are looking for optimal protection, the goggle style would be a better option. Goggles already provide full seal and offering a high caste of touch resistance. Their wide bungee straps ensure that they can wrap around many dissimilar head sizes and even helmets! Many of the goggles accept upper and lower vents for better air circulation and foam inserts around the face area for comfort. There are different airsoft facemask styles also and as we have previously touched upon!

Our Picks for Best Masks of 2021

Before we get into our picks here are some of the criteria for beingness on this list. The masks are judged on personal experience, overall reviews, and testing. These masks include full face airsoft masks, half facemasks, and fifty-fifty masks designed to work with head protection! Other factors are points we mentioned earlier. These are materials, comfort, ventilation, weight, etc. We accept eight picks in full, ranging from all-time all-rounder, best for snipers, best one-half mask, and many more!

#1 Best All Around Option - Dye i4 / i5

Dye Precision i5 Full Face Airsoft Mask Goggle Airsoft Mask ONYX - Black / Grey
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Starting stiff at number one is the best all-around pick. This honor goes to the Dye Precision both the i4 and i5 serial. Originally designed for paintball, these masks have made the crossover into airsoft with wild popularity! Primarily fabricated from lightweight, flexible, yet highly robust plastic or polymer the mask provides platonic touch on resistance and protects the user's full face! Its retention design is unique and fits snuggly to the wearer's head. For an airsoft full facemask, Dye Masks are remarkably lightweight and though they might expect beefy, they are not cumbersome! Equally an additional benefit, they likewise come with eye protection. The foam around the lens offers a total seal. The lens itself is highly impact-resistant considering information technology was designed to withstand the college forces from paintball!

#ii Best Mask for Anti-Fogging - TMC SF QD Goggle

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We talked nigh clarity when considering center protection and for the thespian that doesn't want full face protection, this SF QD goggle set is probably going to be the best selection for yous! The goggles beingness helmet mountable makes them very versatile and the fit is exceptional. Being QD means they can be quickly fastened and discrete to your helmet as well. But probably their best feature is their anti-fog power. We have a video well-nigh them, comparison them to different centre protection and seeing that they are able to keep clarity makes them score very high in this category! Their immovability is also an understatement!

#3 Best Mask for Snipers - TMC PDW Soft Side ii.0 Mesh Mask

TMC PDW Soft Slide 2.0 Mesh Airsoft Mask - Black
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This third mask on the list is ideal for the airsoft sniper. When we think about articulate aiming we unremarkably think well-nigh the scope or what center protection nosotros are wearing but seldom do we think nigh the proper cheeking of our rifle. When nosotros are operating behind a scope with magnification, we bargain with something chosen "eye-relief". This refers to the distance between the eye and the telescopic. For united states of america to be able to go a adept view through the scope, information technology's absolutely crucial for usa to accept a good alignment between our eye and the scope itself. The TMC PDW soft side 2.0 mesh mask solves a problem oft seen on other mesh masks. The sides are soft padding wrapped in nylon. This provides skillful protection, the power to cheek and align your rifle telescopic with your center, and comfort. Not to mention the difficult mesh that protects your nose and mouth.

#4 Best for UV Protection - TMC Impact Rated Goggle with Airsoft Mask

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The TMC Impact Rated goggle is an oft nether-appreciated goggle and airsoft mask prepare. Nosotros say that because information technology tin can often be overshadowed past other masks on this listing. Withal, if you lot live in a country with a lot of sun, this mask is going to exist a lifesaver. One of the few airsoft masks rated with UV protection, this lightweight airsoft goggle is groovy for outdoor players. Information technology's mainly fabricated from plastic/polymer with an impact rated goggle that blocks out potentially harmful UV rays. This keeps your optics rubber from projectiles AND the elements! In combination with this, you as well get a robust lower face mask for added confront protection. This airsoft mask works dandy with boonie hats and helmets.

#5 All-time for Breathability - TMC Mandible for OC High Cutting Helmet

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The TMC Mandible is probably one of the about unique airsoft facemasks available. Being helmet-mounted, made from hardened polymer, and wrapped in tough nylon, the mandible is one of the nigh robust airsoft masks you can buy. Notwithstanding, where the mask shines the most is its breathability. The reason for this is partly due to the fact that upon mounting, there is a distance between the wearer's face up and the inside of the mask. This offers meliorate airflow and tin can exist used in all conditions. The hardened polymer shell that wraps effectually the mask allows for high bear upon resistance peculiarly in CQB situations and it works with a wide variety of centre protection like the SF QD goggle.

#6 Best Half Airsoft Facemask - TMC V1 Strike Steel One-half Mask

TMC V1 Strike Steel Half Airsoft Mask 2018 - Black
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The half-face mask is probably the most popular if not actually the most popular airsoft facemask. The reasons for its popularity is like shooting fish in a barrel to come across, as it offers great protection, it's highly breathable due to its usage of mesh, and it'south very comfortable to employ with other pieces of protective gear such equally helmets and eye protection. The TMC V1 takes this to another level past utilizing steel mesh for added protection. The rear straps are also extremely comfy every bit its surfaces are broad and apartment. The nylon used to concord everything together is robust but not irritating to utilise on blank skin. Its but area in which it can be lacking is it doesn't come with eye protection like the Dye Masks. But that was never the original intention.

#7 Best Full Head Protection - TMC Full Caput IM Manner Mesh Airsoft Mask

TMC FULL HEAD IM Style Mesh Airsoft Mask (Multicam)
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Some players love the security offered past a mask that tin can protect your whole head. Though this airsoft mask isn't the nigh pop, it'southward something recommended especially for younger players or concerned parents. The full head IM manner mesh airsoft mask is able to protect the actor'due south whole caput including the ears. The master structure of the mask is made using mesh making information technology breathable. Secondly, the mask features robust nylon material which adds to the durability. 1 of the added benefits of having a mask like this is the ability to continue the ears safe. Usually, many masks exercise non wrap around the ears and tin can get out them exposed, merely non with this one!

#8 Best Metallic Mesh Mask - TMC SPT Mesh Airsoft Mask

TMC SPT Mesh Airsoft Mask - Black
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The final mask on our list is the SPT mesh airsoft mask . The mask while is considered a mesh mask, information technology features some flexible polymer shielding on the sides, giving it added protection. The mask is besides mountable to helmets making it extremely comfortable and piece of cake to use. The SPT airsoft mesh mask has another great attribute, information technology looks great! The styling of the mask is shaped like a Spartan helmet and works corking with futuristic load outs or cosplay!

To Mask or Not to Mask

At the stop of the day, the goal nosotros set out to achieve with this mail is to not simply talk virtually the importance of airsoft masks merely to highlight the many different types that tin can best suit you lot as a thespian. Ofttimes times we are confronted with questions like "what are the best airsoft masks" or "practise I demand a mask for airsoft"? The simple answer is there's no "1 size fits all" solution for everyone, each player has their ain ready of needs and desires. And while there are certainly masks such as the Dye Masks that can come up close to being near perfect, some might adopt the option of choosing their own eye protection or love the increased ventilation of using mesh masks. Even so, to answer the latter part of the question: practise I need a mask for airsoft? We would admittedly recommend it as it truly does form an essential role of our gear setup!